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Please note: You can call or email your new Date.

If for some reason your date is unavailable for your occasion.

You can always call or email back or wait for your date to return your call.


(800) 316-6391 ext #

Company extension # , Company direct # , or your #


Emails go directly to Your Company Email Address or Your email address.

This will be your H.E.S.  Profile with Video and Photos


You can use a youtbe video or a exotic video uploaded on



Add as many photos as you like.


Company Extension #'s or Company Direct #'s not included

Personal #'s are for VIP Members only.




Hi guys! Im Your Name Your Age. Weight  Sweet and Sexy voice. I would like to meet you so we can enjoy each others company with an Erotic Twist. Call- Me or Text  Me okay,calls are better. Available 3p.m. till



Message will read whatever you desire.


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